Google introduced the Titan Security Key in 2018 to protect against phishing attacks. However, they now support passkeys across all Google Accounts, a simpler, safer way to sign into accounts without a password. Passkeys use FIDO2 credentials and cryptography for secure identity verification.

Certainly, Google unveiled the most recent iteration of the Titan Security Key at today’s Aspen Cyber Summit in New York City. You can get it via the Google Store. The company’s new Titan security keys, which can store more than 250 distinct passkeys, are now available. The new keys will be used in place of Google’s existing USB-A and USB-C Titan keys.

Google launches the passkey-friendly Titan Security Key
Google launches the passkey-friendly Titan Security Key

Google Titan Security Key

You may set up a basic PIN code on the new Titan Security Key while generating a passkey for your Google Account. This code can be used in place of a password to safely log into your Google Account in the future.

The hardware chip used in the construction of the Titan Security Keys contains firmware designed by Google to ensure the integrity of the key. This makes it easier to verify that there hasn’t been any physical tampering with the keys.

The keys are perfect for long-term usage since they are impervious to water, dust, and damage, and they don’t require batteries or moving components.

The new Titan Security Keys cost $35 or $30 in the Google Store and come with a USB-C or USB-A connector. Moreover, NFC is also included in both versions for wireless phones and other mobile device connections. In addition, Google and its industry partners will start giving away 100,000 of these new security keys to high-risk individuals worldwide in 2024.
