Artificial intelligence technologies are increasingly prevalent, finding applications across various industries. Many companies are incorporating AI into their products and services, enhancing overall quality and efficiency. While this trend brings about positive advancements, it also raises certain concerns.

You may have come across statements predicting that “AI will take over your job.” Recently, meteorologists have joined the ranks of those potentially facing unemployment, as NASA and IBM collaborate on an AI model designed to monitor the Earth’s climate 24/7. Here are the details…

NASA and IBM AI Partnership for Climate Observation

NASA and IBM are jointly developing an AI model focused on weather and climate observation. This technology is expected to bring revolutionary changes compared to existing meteorological applications. Although AI is already in use in this field, the current models are task-specific, akin to technologies like ChatGPT, functioning as simple emulators, as per IBM’s description.

NASA and IBM, however, aspire to go beyond accurate predictions. Their collaborative effort aims to create an AI system that continuously observes the Earth’s climate and weather conditions around the clock. Anticipated features of this AI model include predicting meteorological events, extracting high-resolution information from low-resolution data, and forecasting occurrences ranging from aircraft turbulence to forest fires.

The shared objective of both institutions is to enhance the accuracy of weather predictions and mitigate potential disasters. For instance, this technology could predict forest fires caused by extreme heat, prevalent in various parts of the world, including our country, during the summer months. While achieving 100% accuracy may be challenging, the AI model is expected to be highly beneficial for implementing preventive measures.

The integration of this technology into our daily lives, drawing on data from NASA satellites and IBM technologies, remains uncertain.

