Earlier this month, Tesla has finally launched its long-awaited Cybertruck. It looks like a vehicle from a sci-fi movie and has become really popular in worldwide. Even YouTube is overflowing with daily videos about this truck. However, there isn’t much information available regarding its durability, mainly because no one wants to destroy a $100,000 car. Nevertheless, the first reported Tesla Cybertruck traffic accident has provided a strong clue about its durability. Here are the details…

Toyota Corolla Crushed in First Cybertruck Accident

A Reddit user shared footage of the first accident involving a Tesla Cybertruck. According to California police reports, the collision between the Cybertruck and a Toyota Corolla didn’t result in any deaths, and both drivers had minor injuries.The images shared right after the crash appeared to support Elon Musk’s statements about the Cybertruck’s durability, highlighting its “indestructible” structure.

Unfortunately, we don’t have all the details about the accident. However, as you can understand from the photos, there was a quite severe collision. The impact on the vehicles is quite astonishing. While the Corolla is almost in a wrecked state, it’s hard to even tell that the Cybertruck was involved in the accident. Of course, from certain angles, the situation might be interpreted differently. Surely, the Cybertruck has also sustained damage, but perhaps it’s minor enough to be overlooked.