In a world where uninterrupted power is a necessity, the Blackview OSCAL PowerMax 3600 emerges as the ultimate solution, offering a rugged and versatile power station for both home and outdoor backup needs. This innovation ensures a reliable power source with a myriad of features that make it indispensable for various scenarios.

Unmatched Capacity and Output:

The OSCAL PowerMax 3600 boasts an impressive 57600Wh capacity and a robust 3600W output, making it a powerhouse for your electricity needs. Whether it’s providing backup power during outages or supporting high-demand appliances, this device ensures that you never have to compromise on your energy requirements.

Multiple Output Ports:

Equipped with 14 output ports, the PowerMax 3600 provides the flexibility to power multiple devices simultaneously. This feature is particularly useful for both indoor and outdoor activities, allowing you to charge your essential gadgets, run appliances, or even set up an impromptu outdoor movie night with ease.

Lightning-Fast Charging:

One of the standout features of the PowerMax 3600 is its remarkable charging speed, fully replenishing its massive capacity in just 1.2 hours. This swift charging capability ensures that you spend less time waiting and more time enjoying uninterrupted power.

5-8ms UPS Switchover:

The PowerMax 3600 is designed with a seamless 5-8 milliseconds UPS switchover, providing immediate backup power in case of electrical disruptions. This ensures a smooth transition between power sources, preventing any interruptions that may affect your sensitive electronic devices.

LiFePO4 Battery Technology:

Powered by advanced LiFePO4 battery technology, the PowerMax 3600 guarantees a safer and more reliable energy storage solution. This technology enhances the overall lifespan of the battery while minimizing the risk of overheating or other safety concerns, making it an ideal choice for both indoor and outdoor use.

Smart App Control:

Take control of your power station with the Smart App feature. This innovative functionality allows you to monitor and manage the PowerMax 3600 remotely, providing real-time insights into battery status, power usage, and more. The convenience of controlling your power source from your fingertips adds an extra layer of efficiency to your daily life.

Versatility in Extreme Conditions:

With a temperature range spanning from -20 ℃ to 55 ℃, the PowerMax 3600 proves its resilience in extreme weather conditions. Whether you’re facing harsh winters or scorching summers, this rugged power station stands ready to deliver reliable power whenever and wherever you need it.

Addressing Common Issues:

The PowerMax 3600 directly addresses common issues faced by many, such as the need for power during Tesla charging, the inconvenience of short power cords for outdoor activities, fume pollution during backyard barbecues, complex home power system installations, interrupted gaming experiences, and the inability to use CPAP machines during power outages.

Blackview OSCAL PowerMax 3600 is not just a power station; it’s a game-changer in the realm of home and outdoor power solutions. Whether you’re seeking a reliable backup for your home or a portable powerhouse for your outdoor adventures, this rugged device offers unmatched capacity, versatility, and convenience. For further details, visit the INDIEGOGO campaign here. You can also save more than 50% on the super early bird price and be a part of this revolutionary power solution.