Mozilla, a name many of us know for the Firefox browser, is changing things up. They’re saying goodbye to 60 people on their team, which is about 5% of their staff. This change mostly affects those who work on making their products. The company is looking to put more energy and resources into certain projects, like making Firefox work better on mobile phones and exploring the world of artificial intelligence (AI).

This is one of the many tech layoffs that have affected the global jobs scenario

In a world where tech companies often have to adjust their sails to keep moving forward, Mozilla’s decision to let some of its team go reflects a bigger plan. They’re choosing to invest more in the areas they believe will help them grow and make a bigger impact in the tech scene.

AI is getting a lot of attention these days, and Mozilla doesn’t want to be left behind. They see a big opportunity to make Firefox smarter with AI, especially after buying a company called Fakespot. This move shows Mozilla is serious about making the internet a better place, where it’s easier to find what you’re looking for without running into fake stuff.

Mozilla is also tidying up its range of projects. While some, like their VPN and a privacy tool, are getting less attention, others are being shut down completely. This lets Mozilla focus more on Firefox Mobile and AI—areas they’re really excited about.

The company is also welcoming a new CEO, Laura Chambers, who used to work at Airbnb, PayPal, and eBay. With her at the helm, Mozilla hopes to bring out products that not only do well in the market but also stick to their mission of making the internet a better place for everyone.

