Gone are the days when farming solely depended on the hard work of cattle and humans. A revolution is unfolding in rural Shanghai, where agricultural robots are taking over tasks that were once the epitome of manual labor. At the heart of this transformation is Diantian Farm, a place where technology and tradition are blending together.

These robots can handle multiple farming tasks, from planting to harvesting

Engineers, not cattle, are the new workforce here, with over 70 professionals, including Li Wei, steering these technological marvels through fields of rice. These robots, over 60 types developed through diligent research over seven years, are redefining what it means to work the land. From planting to harvesting, these machines do it all, navigating the terrain with crawler feet and making decisions with their advanced AI brains.

AI Robots Shanghai

The simplicity of operating these robots is astonishing. Farmers, using just their smartphones, can awaken these mechanical helpers to start their day. Wang Jinyue, who leads the Diantian cooperative, shares a personal connection to this innovation, having experienced the grueling reality of farm work firsthand. Today, robots line the fields, working efficiently and without the need for rest, embodying the advancements in technology such as 5G, image recognition, and big data.

These robots are not just laborers; they’re smart workers. Weeding robots, for instance, can distinguish between crops and unwanted plants, targeting weeds with precision, all thanks to a system that operates on China’s own BeiDou Navigation Satellite System. This high-tech approach is not limited to Diantian Farm. Across China, in places like Hanzhong, Shaanxi province, intelligent equipment is making vegetable cultivation not only more efficient but also less labor-intensive.

