Call of Duty fans, there is more news for you. If you are still recovering from the launch of the Black Ops 6, hear this. As per a prominent gaming source on Twitter, @dom_lucrea, there will be a single-player campaign mission set against the backdrop of the horrific 9/11 terrorist attacks in 2001. This aligns with the game’s cryptic tagline, “The Truth Lies.” ! Details are still under wraps, but this is a bold move by the publisher.

June 10 is when the covers will be taken off the game

Activision dropped a surprise announcement for the new Black Ops game, leaving the release date, platforms, and gameplay specifics shrouded in secrecy. However, we do have a date to mark on our calendars: June 10th’s Xbox conference, where the game will be officially unveiled.

Call of Duty Black Ops 2

Previous rumors suggested the game, developed by Treyarch Studios, would delve into the Gulf War of the 1990s (approximately ten years before 9/11). With the official reveal on the horizon, it seems the true story behind Black Ops 6 might stray from those initial speculations.
The game will also be bundled with the Xbox Game Pass from day 1, which will be exciting as well, as this would be the first time Activision Blizzard does something like this. Well, Microsoft is at the helm now, so we can expect similar changes in the future as well.

