
Most populous nation with economic development and the industry continues to climb, not surprising that the China is now rumored to have been able to dominate the world market especially Android phones and smartphones.

According to Informa analyst recently, sales of Android devices currently on the struggling world number 461 million units and 33% of them said to have originated from the Chinese market. In addition, there are about 768 million units of smartphones are reportedly also going to be marketed for the year 2012.

With such achievements, may be far China has surpass the United States as the world’s number one Android market. And the existence of the United States itself practically dropped to the second position with 11% accounted for Android world market today.

Meanwhile, shipments of Android devices are also expected to rise in the future and will be at its peak in 2015. However, sales of Android smartphones in 2016 predicted to decrease with the presence of other operating systems on the market, such as Windows Phone from Microsoft or maybe even Sailfish developed by Jolla. Windows Phone’s market share in China is currently estimated that only about 1%.

Since China emerged as the country with the Android market and the world’s biggest smartphone, many manufacturers are more interested in practical to introduce a higher quality device in the future. Nevertheless, it remains interesting to note how the lunge products with international brand that is eventually going to be able to compete with local brands in China. Well, if they can compete with local brands? Yeah we’ll see!