
We’ve heard the shocking news recently, that Microsoft announced it had agreed to buy Nokia Mobile divison. The acquisition agreement requires Microsoft to pay around $ 5 billion to buy entire division of Nokia devices and services, as well as an additional $ 2.2 billion to license Nokia patents.

What about that cause Microsoft bought former world number one mobile phone vendor, who currently already battered and still trying to get up?

Microsoft stressed that they did not dare to take the risk that Google or Apple will dominate the total application innovation, integration, distribution and emerging economies of the smartphone. To match the power of both, Microsoft openly stated that they need a first-class experience of using mobile phones for the users, and it is in Nokia.

In addition, a collection of patents owned by Nokia believed Microsoft is one of the most valuable collections in the technology sector, so this acquisition will accelerate Windows Phone innovation and protecting the future of the world’s number 3 platform.