Microwear may not be the first name that comes to your mind when you think of smartwatches but they have recently launched a few interesting smart bands. The Microwear X3 is one of the latest company’s offers and you can now get it for free!


1. Click & Check our social  media and then follow us

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2 . Subscribe to the Microwear Youtube channel and Share our Microwear X3 video(via Facebook/Twitter/G+/Ins /Link to Friend/whatever). Our staff will check if you shared it with someone at least once. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HhNiTnbF6lw

3.  Activity Time : Nov 17 to Dec 16      Gift: Micrwear X3 

Giveaway Enter : https://gleam.io/competitions/Xe7Zm-two-new-arrival-microwear-x3-fitness-smart-band-giveaways