Vincenzo and Giacomo Barbato are the names of two brothers from Naples, Italy, who won a legal battle against Apple and called their company Steve Jobs. Even though the two brothers gave their company the same name of Apple’s founder and a logo which shares many things in common with Apple’s logo, the court decided to uphold the trademark. The brothers decided to give their company this name in 2012, a year after Steve Jobs’ death.

steve jobs

Before creating this company, they kept creating products for other brands for years. At a certain point, they decided to start their own clothing and accessory company, and they noticed that Apple had never trademarked the name of its founder. When Apple realized that the name of the company was Steve Jobs, it decided to start a legal fight.

But according to the court, the brothers did nothing wrong, and even though the logo (which consists of a letter J) contains a bite and a leaf which remind of the Apple logo, it does not represent something edible and it cannot be convicted. Actually, the Steve Jobs company produces clothes and accessories, including bags, t-shirts, and jeans. But in the future, the two brothers from Italy are intentioned to expand in the electronics market, so they may even decide to release a Steve Jobs phone in the attempt to compete with Apple and its iPhones.
