Last week, Microsoft held an event in New York where it announced a bunch of new products. Some of the products announced include the Surface Laptop which brought along a 15” version too, the Surface Pro 7, and the Surface Pro X. However, the highlight of the event was the unveiling of the Surface Neo dual-screen laptop and the Surface Duo dual-screen phone.

Both the Surface Neo and Surface Duo won’t be available until 2020 holidays but they have sparked a series of conversations. Our focus is on the Surface Duo which can be called a mini version of the Neo based on its size. However, it is much more than that.

Surface Duo

The Surface Duo marks Microsoft’s re-entry into the smartphone business following its exit a few years ago. Apart from the design, another interesting feature of the device is that it runs Android. So not only is Microsoft back to making phones but Android phones and not a new OS for mobiles.

Coming to the poll, the public seems to be divided on their opinions about the Surface Duo. While some are really excited and can’t wait for it to launch, others are of the opinion that Microsoft is doing nothing new that has not been done before, and feel the device is probably overrated.

Yes, the Surface Duo is not the first smartphone with two displays and a foldable design. The ZTE Axon M which launched back in 2017 is still fresh in our minds and there were others before it.

While we have our own opinions on the Surface Duo, we want to know what you think? So take our poll and tell us if you think the Surface Duo is overrated or not. We will also like to read your opinions, so do drop a comment in the comment box.

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