OPPO will hold a press conference at the Minsheng Modern Art Museum in Beijing on November 20th to release the latest version of ColorOS, that being ColorOS 7. The company’s Weibo account has announced that ColorOS 7 is internally called Killer Whale, which follows the philosophy of how they designed the UI.

ColorOS Design Director Chen Xi also shared some short stories about the development process. He said that when ColorOS 7 was going through the early planning period and they had to choose an internal codename, they decided to go with Killer Whale. Unlike the average whale which is slow and passive, killer whales (which are actually dolphins) are fast, and move swiftly.

According to Chen Xi, the killer whale has four main characteristics, those being lightness, elegance, power and wisdom. These overlap with what the design team wants to achieve with the latest version of ColorOS. To this end, they’ve been working hard to push towards that goal, and have put in plenty of work to provide a user experience that matches with these characteristics in mind.

At the moment, there isn’t much else known about ColorOS 7. We aren’t sure about the features, the design language, the themes or the upgrades made behind the scenes. It is the next big iteration of the UI however, so we should expect some big changes. Thankfully, the team seems to be pretty passionate, so we’re looking forward to what comes out of it.
