Little is known about the specification and features of the Xiaomi Watch COLOR but more details are beginning to surface. The first is a live photo of the watch shared by the general manager of Xiaomi Ecological Chain, Qu Heng.

Qu Heng’s photo not only gives us a good look at the watch but he also reveals an important detail about it – the battery life. But first, let us talk about the design.

The Xiaomi Watch Color has a black case with a pretty thin bezel. Judging from the image, the screen should be no less than 1.39-inches in size. There are two buttons on the right side of the bezel just like we have seen on some other smartwatches.

Xiaomi Watch COLOR
Xiaomi Watch COLOR

The display shows a quick settings menu that includes a shortcut for torch mode which is practically the screen turning white and bright so you can use it to see. It also has a shortcut to turn on and off the lift-to-wake feature, another shortcut for adjusting the brightness and one for activating night mode. If you also zoom in on the image, you can see the Xiaomi Watch Color uses a quick-release strap.

Xiaomi Watch COLOR battery life b

As you can see, the watch’s battery level is 65% which actually doesn’t say anything. However, according to Qu Heng, that is the battery life of the watch after a week of use. Impressive, right? While we don’t know the usage pattern, we presume the Xiaomi Watch COLOR should be able to last more than 2 weeks on a single charge.

We still await the release of the spec sheet to know the battery capacity and if it trumps that of the Amazfit GTR which has a 410mAh battery and lasts up to 74 days in basic watch mode.
