At the INNO DAY 2020 event held today, OPPO announced its Computer-Aided Detection Research Platform which will help in the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic.

According to OPPO, the platform is used to detect coronavirus cases and boasts an accuracy of 99.67%. There is no explanation for how the diagnosis is carried out but OPPO says the framework will be made open to health institutions so that they can develop faster and more effective screening tools that can assist in combating the pandemic.

OPPO COVID-19 Computer Aided Detection Research Platform

OPPO is not the only tech company that has developed ways to assist with the fight against COVID-19. Google and Apple partnered together to develop the Exposure Notifications System which helps with contact tracing. The app (for Android) or feature (iOS) will notify users who have been exposed to someone who has contracted COVID-19.

Users who opt-in for the service will have a random ID generated for their device. For security, the ID changes every 10-20 minutes. Using Bluetooth, your phone communicates with other devices and exchanges these IDs, and periodically checks to know if any of the IDs it has come in contact with is associated with that of a user that has tested positive. If there is a match, you get a notification and instructions on how to keep safe.