Xiaomi has just invested in another company. This time, the company invested in Huajing Sensing Technology, which is a chip development based firm. The investment was made through the Hubei Xiaomi Yangtze River Industrial Fund.

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According to an ITHome report, the chip developed has undergone some business changes recently, with the new shareholders being Gongqingcheng Tuojin Zhonghe Investment Partnership Enterprise (Limited Partnership), Hubei Yangtze River Industry Fund Partnership (Limited Partnership), and Shenzhen Tuojin Venture Capital Fund Partnership (Limited Partnership). The registered capital has increased to around 28.59 million Yuan (roughly 4.38 million US Dollars).

The Huajing Sensing is a firm that is based around independent sensor core chip technology. This firm was established back in 2010, with its business scope including research and development, production, and manufacturing of sensor equipment, technology development, technical consulting, and technical services for the Internet of Things products.


Furthermore, the Chinese smartphone maker has also invested into a number of companies through the Yangtze River Industrial Fund including Tishen Technology, which provides flexible tactile sensors, a semiconductor Zonghui Xinguang, and even laser equipment manufacturing company Keyun Laser. So, this is likely Xiaomi’s move of investing into local tech based firms.