A Polishing Cloth is perhaps the very last thing one would expect from a tech giant like Apple. But the overpriced accessory managed to sell so well that buyers are facing order delays until late January. It is perhaps why Elon Musk decided to launch a similar accessory of his own dubbed the ‘Cyberwhistle’ – a tiny little Tesla Cybertruck that you can fit in your pocket and actually blow a whistle with!

Tesla CEO Elon Musk on Tuesday announced the new Cyberwhistle on Twitter, inviting all to “blow the whistle on Tesla.” He then went on to mock the “silly Apple Cloth” asking followers to not buy it and go for the whistle instead.

Of course, like any other accessory from a company with a trillion+ Dollar valuation, the Cyberwhistle is clearly quite overpriced at $50. It is still a collector’s delight though, and will look quite pretty stowed away in a showcase beside The Boring Company’s Flamethrower from 2018.

The official description on the product’s website reads, “Inspired by Cybertruck, the limited-edition Cyberwhistle is a premium collectible made from medical-grade stainless steel with a polished finish. The whistle includes an integrated attachment feature for added versatility.”

That said, the Cyberwhitle currently shows out of stock on Tesla’s official website. There’s no word on when it will be getting restocked, but there’s an option to get notified when that happens, so be sure to sign up if interested.