Chinese tech powerhouse Huawei has made tremendous progress in the development of the HarmonyOS, its homegrown operating system. Huawei also has its app market known as AppGallery where a growing number of both HarmonyOS-based and Android-based applications could be obtained. The Chinese company has now published a new technology related to the migration of Android applications, possibly to HarmonyOS. The patent for the new technology was filed with the China Intellectual Property Office in June 2020 and has now obtained the patent with the number CN113821333A.Huawei app Migration patent

The new technology could be used to export and restore basic resource information and Android applications in the Android operating system. The new application can also generate resource information collections for Android applications. The patent is in the field of operating system technology and can also call the Ashmem and Binder kernel drivers to export the relevant resource information.

The new patent could be indicative of the progress Huawei is making in ultimately making it possible for Android devices to seamlessly migrate to its HarmonyOS. The Huawei AppGallery continues to expand with a wide variety of apps that are also available on Google PlayStore. There has also been a massive growth of developers and apps only found on the AppGallery.


