Chargers are one of the most needed technologies in our daily lives. We use it to charge phones, computers, and even headphones. Well, don’t you think the design of a product we use so often should be better? Shargeek, which combines popular design elements with modern technology, has designed a new product with the same thought in mind. Here comes The first 67W Macintosh charger with a power display.

Shargeek: The First 67W Macintosh designed charger with power display

Shargeek’s Macintosh charger is for you if you are into retro designs. The company, which started to raise funds on Indiegogo a while ago, reached its goal and entered the production process. The Retro 67 has the same design as Apple’s legendary computer Macintosh. It has a real-time power output display, while the digital rain indicates the charging status.

Moreover, the Macintosh-looking charger is as ambitious with its features as it is with its design. The Retro 67 features 3 Type-C ports that support various kinds of Fast Charging Protocols such as PD3.0, QC3.0, SCP/FCP, Apple 2.4, etc. This charger is compatible with the latest MacBook Air (M2) and fully recharges it in less than 2 hours.

The charger is equipped with an internal APS (Active Protecting System) detecting product temperature 180,000 times per hour to shield safety. With Retro 67, you do not need to worry about charging safety. In addition, the company does not hesitate to be compared with its competitors, on the product page, there is a page where the features of Shargeek are compared to other models.

Shargeek’s promotional text about the product is as follows: “Introducing Shargeek Retro 67. We’re passionate about bringing fun and high-performance products to our custom-ers. This time we bring you the Retro 67, an upgraded version of the Retro 35.The Retro 67 pays homage to the classic movie, The Matrin, with a patented “LED Matrim” display to show the real-time charging power and the famous visual effect. We’ve restored the original Macintosh design and the ewterior details to pay tribute to the classic! It’s not only a charger but also a worthy collectable.”
