An arrangement that Nokia had previously inked with tech giant Samsung was set to expire in December 2022. After the previous arrangement expired at the end of 2022, the brand has now negotiated a new cross-license IP agreement with Samsung. In accordance with the contract, which covers Nokia’s basic innovations in 5G and other technologies, Samsung will pay Nokia over a number of years starting on January 1, 2023. The parties agree to keep the terms of the agreement private.

The agreement is in line with the presumptions Nokia stated in the commentary on its long-term forecast for Nokia Technologies in its financial report for the third quarter and the period from January to September 2022, which was released on October 20, 2022. Approximately 20,000 patent families, including more than 4,500 patent families identified as important to 5G, make up Nokia’s market-leading patent portfolio, which is based on more than €130 billion invested in R&D since 2000.

‘Samsung is a leader in the smartphone sector, and we are glad to have struck an agreeable agreement with them,’ said Jenni Lukander, President of Nokia Technologies. The agreement underscores the strength of Nokia’s patent portfolio, its decades-long R&D investments, and its contributions to cellular standards and other technologies while allowing both firms the opportunity to innovate.

In exchange for the ability to licence them under FRAND (fair, reasonable, and non-discriminatory) terms, Nokia contributes its innovations to open standards. Without having to make significant expenditures for the standards themselves, businesses can licence and use these technologies, encouraging innovation and the creation of new goods and services for customers. So that was it for the post. Thanks a lot for sticking with us till the end.