Amazon is apparently being sued over allegations of biometric tracking in New York from its Go stores. The company is facing a proposed class action lawsuit that is accusing the company of failing to inform customers at its cashierless Go stores.

For those unaware, New York city passed a law in 2021 that required businesses to post signs of whether they are collecting customer’s biometric information. This includes the likes of facial scans and fingerprints. Amazon Go stores basically let’s shoppers choose whatever product hey want off of shelves and simply walk out. All one requires is to scan a code from the Amazon app with a connected credit card.


Thus, the e-commerce giant is now being sued by Alfredo Alberto Rodriguez Perez who is arguing that the Go stores are making great use of the customer’s biometric data “by canning [their palms] to identify them and by applying computer vision, deep learning algorithms, and sensor fusion that measure the shape and size of each customer’s body to identify customers, track where they move in the stores, and determine what they have purchased.”

The lawsuit document argues that the Go stores only put up signs regarding this biometric tracking process over a year after the lay was officially passed. Some Go stores also utilize biometric data via Amazon One. This basically uses palm based identity and initiates payment service. When signing up for this service, the company claims that it will not be collecting their biometrics. However, “Amazon Go stores do collect biometric identifier information on every single customer, including information on the size and shape of every customers body,” as per the complaint.

