The Midea M9 Robotic Vacuum Cleaner has been unveiled. The new robot vacuum cleaner packs 4,000 Pa of suction power and a powerful mopping system. The Midea M9 is now available in France and Spain via Aliexpress.

Midea M9 robot vacuum cleaner
Robot Vacuum Cleaner Midea M9

The Midea M9 robot vacuum cleaner offers pressurized mopping which easily removes difficult stains. You can choose from three water levels depending on the nature of the cleaning task and the robot can be controlled using the MSmartHome app.

The robot is equipped with dual lasers plus LiDAR and SLAM technologies for excellent navigation and a scanning range of 8 meters. The device can quickly create a map of your home to plan the most efficient route. It can detect carpets and automatically raise the mop by 10mm to avoid wetting such surfaces. Lifting the mop when docked helps to dry the mop pads more quickly and sustain its performance.

Midea M9 robot vacuum cleaner

The Midea M9 robot vacuum cleaner is equipped with a powerful 5,200 mAh battery that provides up to 180 minutes of runtime for the gadget. The robot will automatically return to its docking station when it completes a job or needs recharging. The vacuum cleaner is priced at around €348 (~$378) which is a discount of 53% of its original price of €739 (~$803). Teh gadget is expected to be availability in other markets outside the EU soon.

