Google has moved to a 64-bit app ecosystem to offer a better software experience, with the latest Pixel 7 phones being the most recent demonstration of this shift. Following the lead, Xiaomi has now signed the death sentence for 32-bit apps, stating no such apps will be allowed to be added to its app store starting May 8. Not only that, the company will gradually remove any apps from the shelf that are incompatible with the 64-bit ecosystem.

As per the official notice, starting from July 1, 2023, the Xiaomi App Store will begin clearing out apps that are not compatible with the 64-bit system. Any apps that have not been updated to meet this requirement by the deadline will not be available on the store’s shelves. The firm advises developers to complete the necessary adaptations as soon as possible to ensure their apps remain accessible to users.

Xiaomi 64 bit

Xiaomi said all Arm architecture CPU cores will be required to use 64-bit, with 32-bit instructions being phased out. This move is aimed at improving the performance of Android apps while also reducing power consumption. Xiaomi will continue to promote 64-bit technology to ensure that apps running on its devices are optimized to deliver the best possible performance.

It is believed that 64-bit migration is a step in the right direction as it allows the application to receive achieve greater improvements in terms of security, performance, and power consumption. In the long run, the ecological upgrade with 64-bit as the core is really in the best interests of developers and users.

Practically, this move is unlikely to have a significant impact on users, as the majority of apps available today have already been adapted to the 64-bit architecture. There are very few exceptions to this, with the most notable being the now-discontinued game Flappy Bird.

