OLED panels are often found in high-end products because of their superior image quality and other advantages. Especially in today’s world, this technology is very common in flagship phones. However, OLED also has some disadvantages, such as its high cost and fragility. Fortunately, technology is here to help us. There is now a laser machine that can fix green lines on OLED displays without the need for replacement parts. Here are the details…

Laser Machine Repairs Green Lines on OLED Displays

Green lines are probably one of the most common OLED malfunctions. These lines on OLED screens can be caused by broken or uneven traces within the panel, damage from water or falls, or a loose or damaged display connection. If you see green lines on your OLED screen, you can try restarting your phone. However, you may need to take it to a repair shop to have the screen diagnosed and repaired. This repair usually results in a screen replacement and a significant cost. But this is changing.

The YouTube channel Stranger Parts recently introduced us to a very interesting machine. The laser machine works by repairing the broken internal traces of the OLED panel. These traces carry electrical signals across the display. When they are broken, users often notice visible lines on the screen. The laser machine recreates the broken traces within an OLED panel in the same way they were initially made in the factory. The repair process takes just a few seconds, and the green line disappears instantly.

The best part is that the screen does not need to be taken apart or even turned off during the repair process. Of course, this does not mean that the repair is easy. An expert still needs to find the location of the fault that causes the green line on the OLED and then correct it with the laser from the machine. However, this is much easier and more cost-effective than replacing the panel as before. It is expected that the first generation of this product will become much more common and developed in the near future.

