Google recently unveiled its latest approach to encouraging employees to work from their offices. Since 2022, Google has had an on-site office plan mandating employees to clock in at company premises at least three days a week. To make the proposition even more attractive, Google has now integrated a hotel inside its Mountain View campus in California, charging $99 per night.

The cost of $99 per night is still more expensive than a one-bedroom apartment in the area

Nestled within a sprawling 42-acre development known as the Bay View campus, this hotel, which commenced operations last year, is a modern-day marvel. Designed to house up to 4,000 individuals, the hotel boasts comprehensive amenities such as a fitness center, complimentary breakfast, and more. In an introductory offer lasting until September 30, Google employees can avail rooms at a discounted $90 per night and experience a myriad of special services.


While the corporate giant portrays this as a huge perk, not all Googlers are thrilled. Some employees feel that the entire proposition is a smart way of making them spend part of their earned wages back into the company. An internal forum was brimming with critiques and concerns; one observation mentioned that even the discounted rate is still more expensive than the rent for a one-bedroom apartment in the San Francisco Bay Area.

Ryan Ramon, a spokesperson for Google, defended the initiative by stating it’s a way for the company to “take advantage of our space and facilities.” The tech behemoth further clarified that such discounts on services, entertainment, and accommodations are a regular part of their employee perk system.

However, the important question remains. Is Google’s in-campus hotel genuinely a benefit for its employees or just another clever corporate strategy? Only time will tell.

