The Nintendo Switch was initially introduced in 2017, providing fans with many games like Mario and The Legend of Zelda. Since the launch, fans have wondered what the Nintendo Switch 2 will offer. According to recent reports, a few leaks about the Nintendo Switch 2 have emerged online from a leaker called “Im A Hero Too,” suggesting how the Nintendo Switch 2 will perform.

Nintendo Switch 2

The post by the leaker mentions that the Nintendo Switch 2 is in development, and the developers are testing the Final Fantasy 7 Remake port on Switch 2. For those unaware, Final Fantasy 7 Remake was initially released on PlayStation 5 and was ported on PC after a while. According to the post, the game runs well on the new Nintendo Switch 2, almost like it’s on a PlayStation 5.

Furthermore, the Nintendo Switch 2 will be backwards compatible with a few older games, as we reported earlier. Aside from the Final Fantasy port, the post suggests that the Nintendo Switch will launch with a new cartridge and camera feature. It has yet to be confirmed how this new camera feature will work.

In related news, Denuvo will now protect games launching on Nintendo Switch from piracy using its latest Nintendo Switch Emulator Protection. For more details about this report, check out our Denuvo protecting Nintendo Switch games story.


(Source, Via)