The ninth generation console wars are still in full swing, with Sony, Microsoft, and Nintendo are fiercely competing to sell more products and reach as many users as possible. Sony currently holds the lead in this race, thanks to its longstanding exclusive games strategy. This approach clearly works, as seen in the recent sales numbers for the PlayStation 5, according to the company’s report. Here are the details…

Sony’s PlayStation 5 Surpasses 50 Million Units with The Help of Exclusive Titles

The Sony PlayStation 5 is making waves in the gaming console market. Moreover, there are many factors that make the company’s job easier. For example box struggles to bring out exclusive games, even with its numerous game studios and Game Pass service. Also Sony is doing well because the upcoming Nintendo Switch 2 isn’t out yet, making the competition easier for them.

Playstation 5

Of course, this situation is reflected in reports as well. In July, Sony announced the sale of 40 million PS5 units. Now, they have revealed that this number has reached 50 million. Additionally, we have just entered the holiday season. It’s anticipated that the company will capitalize on the shopping excitement during this time, boosting these numbers even further.

However, if we set aside what will happen in the future and focus on what has already happened, an incredible picture emerges. Selling around 10 million PlayStation 5 units in approximately 120 days is a remarkable achievement even for Sony. If we base it on the dates of Sony’s last two announcements and determine the difference as 120 day, we can estimate that PlayStation 5 units were sold at a rate of about 3,472 per hour.

If we break it down to minutes, this translates to approximately 208 consoles per minute. Achieving such numbers is a remarkable feat for any company. It’s important to note that without an official detailed report from Sony, these figures may vary slightly in reality.

