Who would’ve thought that a hot dog could be part of your next gaming session? Hyperkin, a brand known for its gaming controllers, has just cooked up something rather unique. They’re partnering with iconic food brands to bring a quirky twist to the gaming world: food-themed controllers for the Nintendo Switch.

Hyperkin is collaborating with other iconic food brands as well

Hyperkin’s latest Bluetooth controller lineup is quite the conversation starter, with designs inspired by Oscar Mayer, Kool-Aid, Sriracha, Kraft Mac & Cheese, and Heinz Ketchup. Although not all are up for grabs yet, you can snag the Oscar Mayer, Kool-Aid, and Sriracha versions on their website as of now, complete with matching carrying cases to tote around your Switch in style.

Nintendo Switch Controller

These aren’t your average controllers. They boast a see-through body reminiscent of the beloved N64 days, paired with a solid faceplate that pays homage to each food brand. The buttons and sticks follow the theme, making for a playful gaming experience.

Previously, Hyperkin has produced Tetris and Miraculous Ladybug-themed controllers, but this is their first foray into the foodie sector. Sadly, for fans of console variety, these tasty controllers are made for the Switch, PC, and mobile gaming only. They’re not planned for Xbox or PlayStation compatibility.

For those who delight in the fusion of food and fun, these controllers offer a fresh way to flavor your play. It’s clear that Hyperkin is dipping its toes into a new kind of branding, perhaps hinting at a future where our tech gadgets and favorite snacks come together…in a weird way. Either way, it’s aesthetic, so who cares?

