Apple fans, the future might hold some interactive pebbles! The US Trademark and Patent Office has unveiled a new Apple patent for a “digital stone” designed to work with the Vision Pro headset.

The patent also suggests the possibility of location tracking and tactile feedback

This digital stone could be a small, handheld device, roughly the size of a pebble or coin. It might sport a touch-sensitive display for interaction and visual information, along with built-in microphones for voice control and speakers for audio feedback. The patent also suggests the possibility of location tracking and even tactile feedback through vibrations.


The functionalities of this digital stone seem quite versatile. Imagine using it as a voice-activated butler to control your smart home or access various applications. It could potentially transform into a remote control for your speakers, lights, or even kitchen appliances. The patent hints at its potential as an anchor or marker within augmented reality or virtual reality experiences. Even more intriguing, this device could connect and interact with various electronics like headphones, speakers, smartphones, laptops, and more.

While the full range of features remains unclear, the patent hints at a highly versatile tool that could revolutionize the way we interact with technology in the future.

