Top Guns to easily dominate enemies in BGMI


    BGMI has officially made its comeback in India. With the game back in action, the competition among players has reached new heights. And in order to stand out from the crowd, you need to do multiple changes in the game such as modifying the game sensitivity accordingly, choosing a more highlighting name, and using the most powerful firearms in combat.

    We have already covered the former two guides, and now it’s time for the latter. In this article, we’ve compiled a comprehensive list of all the guns in each category that will give you the upper hand against your enemies. For more specific details like damage per shot and effective range, refer to the table provided at the end of each category. Let’s dive right in!

    Best Assault Rifles (AR)

    Assault rifles are extensively utilized firearms in the game. The options within this category are plentiful, making it somewhat challenging to determine the finest choice. AUG, M416, and AKM are among the formidable guns that dominate this category. Now, let’s take a look at the best AR guns you can use in the game.


    The first gun on the list is none other than the majority’s favorite M416. The damage per shot and fire rate of the gun is also high, which ensures that the enemy does not get time to escape. You can use multiple load-outs with the gun such as extended mag, verticle grip, etc. to let the gun perform better. The gun can be used in both close and mid-range combats.



    Groza is a hot-drop gun, which means it can only be found inside an airdrop, making it rare in the game. Since the gun is exclusive to airdrops, it has its own advantages, such as a very high fire rate and damage per bullet. It is suitable for both mid-range and close combat fights. The only downside of this gun is its reloading time, which can be addressed by using load-outs like a quickdraw magazine.


    Last, but not least, we have the AKM on this list. The damage per bullet of this gun is even higher than that of the M416 and is equivalent to the Groza. However, due to its slightly higher recoil, it becomes harder to use in medium-range combat. Additionally, the fire rate is also average, but the higher damage output compensates for it. If one is able to control this weapon, then it is one of the best guns to use in the game.

    GunAmmo Damage per shotSuitable rangeAvailability
    M4165.56mm40Close and mid-rangeAnywhere
    Groza7.62mm47Close and mid-rangeAir-drops
    AKM7.62mm47Close Anywhere

    Best Snipers & DMRs

    Not everyone uses snipers in the game, as it requires a high level of expertise. But it does have its own set of pros such as high damage per shot, accuracy, and the ability to take down enemies with a single shot. Let’s explore the best ones in this category.


    AWM is a god-level sniper, and no one can beat this behemoth in terms of damage per shot. This sniper inflicts 105 damage per shot, enabling it to eliminate any enemy with a single headshot, regardless of the level of their helmet. It’s the only sniper that can penetrate a level 3 helmet with just one shot. However, this gun is extremely rare as it can only be found in air-drops.


    Being second on the list, the M24 has a damage of 75 per shot, allowing it to eliminate an enemy with a level 3 helmet in just two shots. If the helmet is already damaged by around 30%, it can even penetrate it with a single shot. Although the actual damage per shot is slightly lower, its faster reload speed compensates for it. Overall, this is a reliable sniper that can be found anywhere on the map and is not exclusive to air-drops.


    MK14 is another air-drop exclusive gun. The gun is not just a god-level sniper but also a god-level AR. Yes, you heard it right. This one comes with two fire modes: automatic and semi-automatic. The former means that the moment you tap on the fire button, the gun will fire all the loaded ammo at once, while in semi-automatic mode, it’s one ammo per tap. The versatility you can achieve with this gun is unmatched. You can even use it in close range, and due to its high fire rate, it can easily outperform any close-range gun, whether it’s the M416 or AKM. This gun can be used effectively in all three ranges: close, mid, and long-range.

    GunAmmoDamage per shotSuitable rangeAvailability

    Best SMGs

    SMGs are the second most popular category after assault rifles. These guns are excellent for close and semi-mid-range fights. Many players even stick to SMGs until the end of the game, and without a doubt, when used with proper load-outs, they perform exceptionally well.


    With the recent modification done by game developers, the UMP45 has emerged as one of the most commonly used SMGs. The gun possesses hefty damage of 41 per bullet, and due to its low recoil rate, the gun can be used in close to semi-mid-range combats. Its fire rate is a little low compared to other SMGs, so one should avoid using this gun in proper mid-range fights.


    Uzi is undoubtedly the best gun in close-range combat. The gun has a damage rate of 31 per bullet, but as it is the fastest-firing gun in the game, it really wipes out your enemies in a single go. One thing to mention is that it can only load 25 bullets by default, which is slightly low considering the high fire rate of the gun. However, one can use an extended magazine, which extends its capacity to 35 bullets per round. The gun only supports a red dot and holographic sight scope.

    GunAmmoDamage per shotSuitable rangeAvailability

    Best Shotguns

    Shotguns are primarily meant for gamers to use only in close-range fights and during the starting minutes. Due to their high damage and fire rate, they can easily wipe out a squad in a blink of an eye. Let’s see which shotguns are the best to use in the game.


    DBS is a formidable gun in this category. Despite the damage per bullet being 26, the damage per shot of this gun surpasses even that of the AWM, reaching 312. This gun fires 12 bullets simultaneously, resulting in such high damage per shot. However, the reloading time is substantial, so it’s crucial to aim for the enemy’s center mass to take them down in a single strike.

    GunAmmoDamage per shotSuitable rangeAvailability
    DBS12 gauge312CloseAnywhere

    Those are the top guns for BGMI (Battlegrounds Mobile India). It’s your call to decide which one suits you best. Don’t solely rely on the provided information; go for the gun that feels most comfortable to you. Additionally, we suggest practicing with these guns daily in the training ground to maximize their potential.