How to cancel Audible Subscription


    Amazon Audible is among the best services to listen to audiobooks and podcasts services. The vast abundance of podcasts, exclusive originals, audiobooks, and easy accessibility among different Operating Systems are some of its advantages over the competitors.

    It is quite easy to subscribe to Audible Subscription but can be troublesome if the user would want to cancel it.

    Here’s our step-by-step guide to cancel Audible Subscription from different devices.

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    There are multiple ways to unsubscribe from Audible, and we have listed all those ways below. before proceeding, make sure to have the device from where you’ve subscribed to Audible in hand. It will be easy to unsubscribe from that OS or service. For example, If you subscribed from Google Play, then you should cancel it via Google Play, and if via iOS or iPhone then by heading to the subscriptions menu. In case, if you have bought it from then follow a separate set of instructions to cancel your Audible subscription

    Ways to Cancel Audible Subscription

    Below are detailed instructions that you should follow in order to remove your Audible subscription.

    Cancel Audible from iPhone/iPad

    There is a prominent number of iOS/iPadOS users that subscribed to the Audible subscription. If the user enabled it via the iPhone or some other Apple device, then make sure to unsubscribe using the same device and account.

    Steps to Unsubscribe

    1. On your iPhone or iPadOS, Open Apple App Store or go to Settings on iOS device.
    2. Then, Tap on the Apple ID aka name (Present on the top)
    3. Select Subscriptions.
    4. You will see all active Subscriptions in the list.
    5. Select Audible Subscription, and select Cancel Subscription.
    6. Tap Confirm on the pop-up display.

    In case you don’t see any membership under the Subscriptions list, then make sure you’ve purchased from the same account or device or your subscription might have already been canceled.

    Cancel from Google Play (Android)

    If you’re an Android user and enabled an Audible subscription from the Play Store, then make sure to sign in to the same account before canceling the subscription. Follow the steps below to cancel the subscription.

    Steps to Unsubscribe

    1. Open Google Play Store either on your Android phone or desktop.
    2. Select the Profile Icon in the top-right corner.
    3. Then you should choose Payments and Subscriptions.
    4. Again Select Subsctions, and Remove Audible Subscription.
    5. That’s it!

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    Cancel from

    If you subscribed t Audible subscription from then you should cancel it by heading to the same website on the web. Make sure to follow the steps below:

    Steps to Unsubscribe

    1. Head over to and sign in with your Audible/Amazon account.
    2. Then you should head over to the profile name in the top-right corner.
    3. Select Account Details from the pullover.
    4. Now, click the Cancel Membership option.
    5. Amazon Audible will ask for confirmation before cancellation, and you need to press Continue to Cancel.
    6. A cancellation email will be sent to your email.
    7. The user can verify the cancellation by heading to Account Details.

    In case you get any issues while performing the steps or inability to cancel your Audible subscription, then you should avail of technical assistance.

    Permanently Close Audible Account

    In case, if you would want to permanently cancel the Audible account, then you should first delete the Amazon Account. Otherwise, deleting the Audible Account will result in the permanent deletion of your whole Amazon account. The user should proceed with caution before permanently closing the Audible Account. If you’re sure, then follow the steps below to delete Amazon Account:

    • Head Over to the Data Deletion page, and Sign in with your Amazon Account.
    • Confirm the disclosure, if you’re aware of what are you doing, by ticking the “Yes, I want to permanently close my Amazon account and delete my data.”
    • Now, Click Close my account.

    We hope you successfully deleted the Audible Account.


    How can I permanently cancel my Audible account?

    To permanently cancel your Audible account, you need to delete your Amazon account first. Deleting the Audible account alone will result in the permanent deletion of your entire Amazon account.

    What precautions should I take before closing my Audible account?

    It is important to proceed with caution before permanently closing your Audible account. Ensure that you are aware of the consequences, as deleting the account will also delete your Amazon account.

    Will I lose access to my purchased audiobooks after canceling my Audible subscription?

    No, you will not lose access to your purchased audiobooks after canceling your Audible subscription. Once you purchase an audiobook on Audible, it becomes a part of your library, and you can listen to it even after canceling your subscription.

    What happens to my unused credits if I cancel my Audible subscription?

    If you cancel your Audible subscription, you will lose any unused credits associated with that subscription. Audible credits are used to purchase audiobooks at a discounted price, and they expire if not used within a certain period.

    Can I rejoin Audible after canceling my subscription?

    Yes, you can rejoin Audible after canceling your subscription. Audible allows previous members to reactivate their accounts and resume their membership at any time.

    Will I be refunded if I cancel my Audible subscription?

    Refunds for canceled Audible subscriptions are subject to Audible’s refund policy. Audible offers a Great Listen Guarantee, which allows you to return audiobooks you are not satisfied with for a refund or exchange.