A new tax rate implemented by the Indian Government will let its citizens buy iPhones at cheaper prices. The Indian government announced a new Goods and Services Tax as part of a tax reform process. The new tax rate has prompted Apple to lower the price of its products.


The base model of the iPhone 7 which used to be sold for ₹60,000 (∼$928) is now ₹56,200 (∼$869). The 128GB version has seen a price cut too and now sells for ₹65,200 (∼$1009) and the 256GB version is priced at ₹74,400 (∼$1150).

The iPhone 7 Plus on the other hand was reduced from ₹72,000 (∼$1114) to ₹67,300. The 128GB model is priced at ₹72,000 (∼$1114) and the 256GB model is ₹85,400 (∼$1321). The older iPhone 6s Plus also got a price cut to ₹56,100 (∼$868) while the iPhone SE dropped to ₹26,000 (∼$402).

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Other Apple products such as MacBooks, iPads and the Apple Watch have also seen reduction in their respective prices.

Apple is focused on establishing a strong foothold in the Asian country and this will come as good news to its fans. The American company already has an assembly plant in India and the first batch is already on sale.

We expect other manufacturers to replicate Apple’s move as soon as possible.

(Source, via)