The Gizmochina community is growing everyday and we have millions of readers every month from across the globe. A majority of our traffic comes from smartphone users and we feel it’s about time we give our readers a platform to talk about the smartphones they are using.

The Gizmochina Forums can be a great tool to share your reviews/ opinions about the smartphone that you are using as your daily driver. Your opinion / experience about a phone can come in useful for a fellow gizmochina reader and in this regard, we want to help you to post your review on our forums.




In order to push regular readers to share decent reviews of their smartphones, Gizmochina has teamed up with our store, Giztop to start the Review & Reward Program (RAR). So, we will give out a free case for every smartphone review shared on our forums, provided it follows a good review format. Once your review is posted on the forums and accepted, you can choose a case (under $20) for your smartphone on Giztop and send us a message on [email protected] or just message Shine Wong on our forums (from here) with the link to the case along with your your shipping details. We’ll take care of the rest!

To make your lives easier, we have created a format to make the review (added at the end of the post). This will help all reviews to be consistent and up to the mark. Also, make sure that all reviews are posted as a new discussion in the User Reviews category in our Forums section. You can find this category here!

I know a free case may not be a strong motivator for writing down a decent experience with your smartphone, however, note that your experience with the phone will definitely be valuable for other readers who are planning to purchase the device.

While we know not everyone can or is willing to post long, detailed reviews, we would further like to encourage great reviews on our forums by selecting the best reviews of smartphones and posting them on the website under your name. This will open up your honest opinion of the handset to millions of users worldwide, giving you a much deserved exposure. To make things even more interesting, we’ll give out a Redmi smartphone to the best review of the month on our forums.

Please note that to ensure that maximum readers benefit from this, we would like to add that only recent smartphones reviews, which are less than 6 months old will be eligible for the free case from Giztop.

You can check out the format for review from this link. Make sure to follow this review format to be eligible for the free case.

As always, if you have any suggestions or questions, you can comment down below or shoot a mail at [email protected].