Xiaomi‘s ecological chain company Ninebot recently unveiled its first electric motorcycles in China including a Segway X concept power bike. The commercial models that were launched included the C-series and E-series models and the company disclosed that they will be unveiled for the global market at CES 2019. Segway-Ninebot has now released an invitation poster to its stand at the trade show. The event will hold from January 7-10, 2020. The invite also contains details of the company’s booth at CES.

The poster also gives us a hint of the products that will on exhibition and they include the new Ninebot E-series e-bikes, the Segway, as well as the GoKart kit. Others include the self-balancing scooter and several others.

Xiaomi has a substantial stake in Ninebot and was instrumental in aiding Ninebot to acquire American self-balancing scooter manufacturer, Segway back in April 2015. The brand’s products have been available for purchase outside Chia via third-party retailers but with an unveiling at CES, Ninebot may be looking to head into the global market with its products.

We’ll bring you the report of the event and other CES 2020 news when they unfold.

