A Samsung Galaxy A51 smartphone has been modified to have a lightning port that could both serve as a charging and data transfer port for the Android phone. The person who conceptualized and transformed the Galaxy A51 is Ken Pillonel, who has had a similar first, incorporating a USB-C port into an iPhone.Samsung-Galaxy-A51

The lightning port is the mainstay of Apple iPhones, iPads, and several other devices from the Apple ecosystem. Apple iPhones do not come with USB-C charging ports but Pillonel was able to incorporate one into an iPhone model last year. The innovation of incorporating the lightning port into an Android phone sees the lightning port as capable of charging the device and for data transfer.

Pillonel provided a short demo video of the transformation of the Samsung Galaxy A51 into the first-ever Android smartphone with a lightning port. The tech geek is promising a more detailed video of the transformation and that could be illuminating. However, the utility of the transformation is minimal, to say the least. The developer insists that he intended to bring balance to the world after making the USB-C iPhone.

At best, Apple iPhone chargers could now be used to charge the Samsung Galaxy A51 transformed smartphone. Ultra-fast chargers could enhance the charging speed when compared with the conventional USB-C 2.0 charging available to the device. The detailed video by Pillonel could help to put his feat in the right perspective and open other opportunities.