As per a recent filing to the UK’s Competition and Markets Authority (CMA), Microsoft has shed some light on how it plans to bring Call of Duty games to the Nintendo Switch. The tech giant recently signed a binding 10-year agreement with Activision Blizzard to bring Call of Duty games to Nintendo users on par with Xbox players. In its filing, Microsoft presents two key points to support its argument that games like Warzone and Modern Warfare II can be brought to the Switch.

Call of Duty Mobile

Firstly, Microsoft claims that the engine behind Warzone has already been optimized to run on devices with lower performance specifications than the Switch, such as the Xbox One from 2015 and PC GPUs released as far back as 2015. Secondly, Microsoft highlighted Activision’s history of optimizing game performance for available hardware capabilities, citing examples such as Apex Legends, Doom Eternal, and Fortnite which have successfully worked on the Switch.

Sony has been quite vocal in its opposition to Microsoft’s acquisition of Activision Blizzard, citing concerns that the tech giant will undermine Call of Duty on PlayStation. While Microsoft has offered Sony a 10-year agreement for Call of Duty, Sony has yet to accept it.

Microsoft’s proposed acquisition of Activision Blizzard has raised concerns among regulators, and the CMA is set to make a final ruling on the deal by April 26th. Despite opposition from Sony and the FTC in the US, the European Union is expected to approve the merger following Microsoft’s agreement to bring Call of Duty and other games to Nintendo and GeForce Now platforms. With a copious amount of documents and information to review, the CMA will have a lot to consider before making its decision.

Meanwhile, Call of Duty fans can look forward to an upcoming crossover event featuring Shredder from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, scheduled for release on March 21st.

