Elon Musk took to Twitter to threaten legal action against Microsoft for dropping Twitter from its Smart Campaigns advertising platform. The move by Microsoft comes after Twitter announced plans to charge companies between $42,000 and $210,000 per month for accessing its API, which allows third-party apps to interface with the social media service.

Credit: Reuters

Musk has accused Microsoft of illegally mining Twitter’s data to train its AI-powered programs, demanding compensation for the use of the data. While it is unclear if ChatGPT, a large language model trained by OpenAI, was among the programs mentioned by Musk, it is known that ChatGPT was trained on public internet data, including data from platforms like Twitter.

The dispute between Microsoft and Twitter raises concerns over access to social media data, with companies having to pay significant amounts to access information that was previously available for free. It also highlights the potential for legal disputes over the use of such data, as companies seek to monetize their access to social media platforms.

In response to the dispute, Musk has announced the launch of his AI platform, TruthGPT, which is aimed at competing with Microsoft’s OpenAI. The move is likely to intensify competition in the AI market, with companies seeking to gain an edge by accessing data from social media platforms like Twitter.

The ongoing dispute between Microsoft and Twitter is likely to have far-reaching implications for the use and monetization of social media data, with companies seeking to gain access to such data through various means. As the world becomes increasingly reliant on AI-powered technologies, the importance of access to data is likely to become even more significant, leading to more legal disputes over its use and ownership.

