WhatsApp, the popular messaging app owned by Meta, is stepping up its game with frequent updates and exciting new features. One notable development is the app’s move towards a more consistent user experience across iOS and Android platforms.


Effortlessly plan group calls on WhatsApp

The latest update, version, is being rolled out to beta testers through the Google Play Beta Program. The standout feature in this update is the ability to schedule calls in group chats. This new addition streamlines the process of planning and coordinating group calls, eliminating the need for extensive message exchanges to find a suitable time.

WhatsApp schedule call feature

With the scheduled group call feature, users can initiate a call within their groups and set the call subject, date, and call type (video or voice). An event is automatically created in the group chat, and participants are notified 15 minutes before the scheduled call time. This ensures that everyone is prepared and available, reducing the chances of missed or delayed calls.

The scheduled group call feature is currently accessible to a limited set of beta testers who have installed the latest WhatsApp beta update via the Google Play Store. The company plans to gradually roll out this feature to a broader audience in the near future.

Beyond the scheduling feature, WhatsApp is also introducing a multi-account option for beta testers, allowing users to manage multiple accounts within the app. Additionally, the app is working on enhancing security by linking accounts to email addresses.

