Google has announced that its Home Panel, a feature that allows users to quickly control their smart home devices from their lock screen or Quick Settings, will soon be available to all Android devices running Android 14.

Google Home Panel expanding to all Android 14 devices

The Home Panel was previously exclusive to Pixel smartphones and the Pixel Tablet. However, Google has now confirmed that it will be expanding the feature to all Android devices that are running the latest version of its operating system.

With the Home Panel, users can quickly access their Spaces and Favorites, which are groups of smart home devices that they have configured to control together. This makes it easy to, for example, turn off all the lights in a room or start a scene that plays music and changes the lighting.

Google Home Panel in Pixel Tablet

The Home Panel is a convenient way to control smart home devices without having to open the Google Home app. It is especially useful for devices that are frequently used, such as lights and thermostats.

The Home Panel will roll out to all Android devices if and when they get the latest Android 14 update.

