Google keeps adding new features to Chrome to keep it productive and up-to-date with ongoing trends. It recently announced the End of Tracking Cookies to safeguard personal data. It even added a Create Theme with an AI feature to enhance customizability. With a bunch of developments, Google Chrome is making the user experience better by prioritizing safety and performance first. Google aims to give people a safer and more efficient place to browse the web. Google brings some useful changes to the Chrome Browser out of which are already rolled out, and the remaining features will be available soon. Let’s dive deeper into the details:

Proactive Safety Check

Chrome’s Safety Check now works in the background without any issues and sends out proactive alerts. Users are notified when their passwords have been stolen when their browser versions are out of date, or when their site rights need their attention. These alerts are easy to access via the three-dot menu, so users can take action quickly to keep suspicious sites at bay.

Moreover, Chrome Browser automatically removes site permission (like access to your location or microphone) for sites that you haven’t visited in a while. Further, the ability to turn off notifications from sites has been streamlined.

Smarter Performance Controls:

Alongside new safety enhancements, Chrome introduces new performance controls. Building upon last year’s introduction of performance controls like Memory Saver mode, Chrome now provides more detailed insights. In Memory Saver mode, users can hover over tabs to see full information about how much memory they are using. Further, users can also specify sites that should always remain active, ensuring a smoother browsing experience. To set up Memory Saver Mode, the user should head to the performance section in settings and toggle Memory Saver on for an optimized performance experience.

Surprisingly, Chrome now lets save work groups to free up memory, declutter and organize the growing experience. The feature is coming in the coming few days and can be toggled by clicking on the “Save Group” feature, making it accessible on other devices.

Excitingly, Google Chrome is bringing support for the new AI model, Gemini, which will power even smarter and more helpful features in the first few months of 2024.
