OpenAI is churning up the AI news sector again, this time turning heads with a new tool called Voice Engine, which may sadly never see the light of day. This impressive tech can generate realistic synthetic voices after being trained with just a 15-second audio sample. That opens up a whole new world of possibilities, one straight out of some action-spy movie scenario.

Unfortunately, the company has no intentions of making Voice Engine public anytime soon

Imagine a tool that can read any text in a natural-sounding voice, even mimicking emotions. That’s the potential of Voice Engine, currently being used in a limited preview for OpenAI’s ChatGPT app’s read-aloud function. Beyond entertainment, the applications are vast. Voice Engine could revolutionize education, translate podcasts into new languages, and provide communication assistance for those who are non-verbal.


However, the power of this technology comes with responsibility. OpenAI acknowledges the potential for misuse, such as spreading misinformation or impersonating someone’s voice. For this reason, Voice Engine remains under wraps for now. OpenAI aims to address these concerns through research and open discussion. They hope to determine the best way to deploy this powerful tool and prepare society for this new AI-oriented era.

This focus on responsible development is crucial. With deepfakes and other AI-generated content becoming more believable, the ability to discern real from artificial is becoming increasingly difficult. OpenAI acknowledges the challenges, including potential issues with voice authentication and phone scams. Finding solutions to these problems will be critical as synthetic voice technology advances. We will have to wait and watch.

