In a move to clean up its platform, WeChat cracks down on misleading and harmful content creators. The social media giant recently announced the results of its first phase of rectification action on content norms, targeting accounts that spread misinformation and exploit users for profit.


WeChat Targets Misleading and Malicious Self-Media Content

WeChat’s Public Platform Operation Center identified over 800 accounts engaging in various violations. These accounts were found to be spreading rumors, inciting social conflict, and even creating fake personas to manipulate users’ emotions.

WeChat is addressing four primary types of inappropriate content on its platform: clickbait headlines that use misleading, sensationalized information often involving public figures; hate speech, and doxing that involves publishing harmful content and personal information to incite hostility against specific groups.

Fabricated personas, where accounts create false identities to publish shocking or emotionally manipulative stories. Exploiting tragedies for profit, where users manipulate narratives or fabricate stories related to real-world tragedies to solicit donations or promote sales under the guise of helping others. These practices undermine digital ethics and promote unhealthy online behaviors.

To combat these issues, WeChat has taken several steps. Over 9,000 violating articles have been deleted, and more than 400 accounts have faced functional restrictions or permanent bans. Additionally, the platform has issued clear guidelines for content creation.

For instance, WeChat recommends that titles clearly specify details like names, dates, and events to avoid misunderstandings. Content creators are also advised to respect others’ privacy and avoid spreading misinformation or negativity.

By cracking down on these malicious practices, WeChat aims to foster a healthier and more trustworthy online environment for its users. This initiative is a positive step towards promoting responsible content creation and preventing the spread of harmful information on social media platforms.

