Xiaomi, the Chinese tech giant known for its diverse product portfolio, has seen its air conditioner business soar to new heights, with a 63% year-on-year increase in shipments during the first quarter of 2024. The company shipped a staggering 690,000 units, signaling a continued upward trajectory that began a few years ago.

This success story is part of a broader trend for Xiaomi, which recently announced a doubling of net profits, reaching 6.5 billion yuan ($897.6 million), driven by strong sales of smartphones, IoT products, and smart home appliances.

Xiaomi Air Conditioner

Xiaomi officially entered the air conditioner market in 2021. Since then, the company has experienced exponential growth, with shipments exceeding 2 million units in its first year. In 2022, that number jumped to 3 million, demonstrating a consistent 50% annual growth rate.

The momentum carried over into 2023, where Xiaomi air conditioner shipments reached a remarkable 4.4 million units, a 49% increase from the previous year. The second quarter of 2023 proved particularly fruitful, witnessing a surge of over 90% in product shipments.

Projections for 2024 indicate that Xiaomi is on track to ship over 7 million air conditioners, securing an 11.5% retail share. This performance would solidify the company’s position as the third-largest player in the online market and potentially across all channels, emphasizing Xiaomi’s growing influence in the smart home appliance sector.

However, the ambitions of Xiaomi’s air conditioner business don’t end there. Industry analysts predict that by 2026, air conditioner shipments are poised to surpass those of Xiaomi TVs, traditionally a dominant category in the company’s IoT portfolio. This shift would establish air conditioners as the top revenue generator for Xiaomi’s IoT business, highlighting the category’s increasing significance in the company’s overall strategy.

The success of Xiaomi’s air conditioners can be attributed to several factors, including a commitment to innovation, competitive pricing, and integration with the company’s broader ecosystem of smart home devices. By focusing on energy efficiency, intelligent features, and stylish designs, Xiaomi has successfully captured a growing share of the air conditioner market, particularly among tech-savvy consumers.

As Xiaomi continues to expand its presence in the smart home space, the company’s air conditioner business is set to play a pivotal role in its future growth. With a focus on continuous improvement and a dedication to meeting consumer needs, Xiaomi is well-positioned to maintain its upward trajectory in this rapidly evolving market.

