Apple is apparently making it mandatory for its employees to wear “police grade” body cameras to stop leaks. The company has made this move in an effort to stop the spread of sensitive proprietary information.


According to a FrontPageTech report (Via CultOfMac), the Cupertino based giant is pushing ahead with body cams to stop internal information from surfacing in the press. Reportedly, certain employees of the company are now required to wear a body camera similar to the Axon Body 2, which is the model used by many police forces. This aggressive move from the company is its latest effort to ensure its hardware trade secrets are kept from leaking out.

As per the report, body cameras are not required by every employee but only those working with certain product teams. These are quite likely related to the unreleased hardware/products, although, it is unsure as to how Apple deploys these body cameras to prevent possible leaks. The very leak regarding the iPhone maker forcing body cameras implies that the new effort might not be as effective in stopping internal information from leaking out.

Interestingly, Apple is allegedly even going after certain tipsters regarding their leaks. This includes Front Page Tech’s Jon Prosser, who released a video stating that the company is taking steps against him. Jon further added that “I’ve never paid a source. No money has ever exchanged hands. No transactions have happened. And I’ve always made clear to employees that they are under no pressure to give me information.”