An Android phone reportedly burned while put in the pocket. Luckily, the incident caused no serious consequence to the owner.

Phones that burned belonged to a man who does not want to be identified. At that time he was attending a conference of hackers held in Las Vegas, United States.

At first he was not aware that the Motorola Droid Bionic residing in his pocket had been burned. He just felt a burning sensation accompanied by excessive odor.

“I smell burns and smoke, and when I stood up to see flames. I try to put it out then I fell to the floor,” explained that man.

When the smartphone’s battery life falling apart from its place and still in a state of burning on the floor. Fortunately the owner was saved by the card room that he put with the phone.

As a result of this incident the conference was pause for a while. No serious injuries from the incident, only a smartphone and a burning hotel room card. Until now, the cause of burning phone is still unknown.