Google has released the Android 14 Developer Preview 2, which is right on schedule according to the company’s outlined plans. While there is still no news about the monthly Pixel update, the developer preview offers several new features, including improved app behaviors, compatibility, privacy, security, and system health.

Android 14 Developer Preview 2 changes

One of the most significant changes in Android 14 DP2 is a major tweak to the Photo Picker, which now requires users to grant access to all images or some images or to deny media permissions entirely. This change offers a significant privacy boost, similar to the experience that iOS users are familiar with.

Google is also continuing to build its new Credential Manager API into Android 14, with support going back to Android 4.4. The latest build includes a refined UI for Google’s account selector, which offers a gateway into a passwordless future.

Another notable change in Android 14 DP2 is improved system performance, with enhancements for memory management and notifications. Google promises fewer non-dismissible notifications and disallows cached apps from running in the background outside of specific lifecycle APIs faster than Android 13. These changes should improve battery life and resource usage.

Android 14 Developer Preview 2 changes

Furthermore, Google is introducing new centralized options for regional preferences, allowing users to set specific temperature units, numbering systems, and the first day of the week, even when traveling outside their home country. This change offers a convenient way for users to tweak their settings throughout the entire OS via multiple APIs, rather than changing individual app settings.

While there are likely to be more changes discovered in the coming days, Android 14 DP2 is now available for installation. However, it is not recommended to run the developer preview on a daily driver, and those with only one smartphone are advised to wait for the beta period next month. Google’s developer website offers factory images and OTA files for those interested in installing the update.

Overall, the Android 14 DP2 offers significant improvements in privacy, security, and system performance, with new features such as a refined UI for Credential Manager API and centralized options for regional preferences. As we wait for the beta period next month, it will be interesting to see what other changes Google has in store for Android 14.

