Apple‘s big boss, Tim Cook, dropped a hint that they’re diving deeper into artificial intelligence (AI) this year. At their yearly meet-up with shareholders, he shared that Apple is all in on AI because it’s got the potential to change how we do things, from getting stuff done faster to solving problems in new ways.

Cook added that Apple’s products are already smart with AI without us knowing

While tech giants like Microsoft and Google have been quick to mix AI into their products, Apple’s taking its time to get it just right. Cook mentioned that Apple gadgets are already smart with AI without us even knowing, but they’re planning to show off more of this tech magic soon. He’s especially proud of how Apple’s computers are top-notch for AI stuff, saying there’s nothing better out there.


But not everyone’s on board with how secretive Apple is about its AI work. A group representing workers, the AFL-CIO, wanted Apple to spill the beans on how it uses AI and to make sure it’s doing it the right way. Even though a good chunk of shareholders liked the idea, it didn’t get enough votes to pass. This debate shines a light on a bigger chat about making sure AI is used in a fair and right way, especially when it comes to copyright and respecting creators.

Apple argues that keeping their AI plans under wraps is crucial for staying ahead in the tech race. The company also recently put its plans for an electric car on hold as it veers into the direction of Artificial Intelligence. As we wait to see what Apple’s AI jump will look like, the question of how tech companies balance innovation with ethical concerns remains hot. Only time will tell!

